Reportedly, yesterday Samsung Electronics announced the launch of its Newsroom in Turkey. Now, this serves as an official news source of Samsung Electronics for local news, media and consumers. As often Samsung reveals various of its info through its newsroom. And they segment it on the basis of region, therefore this is exclusively for Turkey. Thus, each of its updates offers and press releases showcase or streamed on it are concerned with this region only.
In addition to this, its online newsroom of Samsung will reveal informative information from time to time. And apart from various relevant media content. It also contains content about new product information and news, interviews and press releases.
Moving ahead, Samsung Newsroom Turkey is primarily based on Samsung’s global newsroom model. The turkey language platform will not only provide offer information about the various company’s latest and upcoming products and services. But simultaneously content catering is specifically based on its local audience. And this includes content like regional enterprises, collaborations, CSR projects and other operations based out of this region SouthEast Europe.
By this new Newsroom launched, it marks the 39th Samsung Newsroom in terms of numbers around the globe. In addition, this latest launch expands Samsung Newsroom’s network worldwide and reaches 51 countries in 18 languages. Therefore, if you want to know more about Samsung’s latest innovations and activities in Turkey then kindly refer to and visit
Apart from this Turkey newsroom launch, certain other locations where Samsung make its exclusive presence via Newsroom in Switzerland, Austria and Singapore respectively.