The previous year, Microsoft and Apple revealed that new Apple Music and Apple TV apps would be launched ahead of the end of 2022. Although that didn’t happen, while Apple has released the beta versions of its Apple Music and Apple TV apps. These apps were for devices that were running on Windows 11. It means you can install them on your Samsung Windows laptop.
These standalone apps for Apple Music and Apple TV now seem visible in Microsoft Store. Also, user can download their beta versions directly on a Windows laptop, PC, or tablet and stream high-quality music and videos. Additionally, both of these apps are built with modern Microsoft technologies. In order to ensure that they run faster and take fewer resources than the iTunes app.
Apple Music and TV apps are available for Windows devices via Microsoft Store
The UI design is broadly alike to the macOS versions of the Apple Music and Apple TV apps. Although Apple has tweaked it a little, so it mixes well with the Windows 11 design language. Also, the Apple Music app allows you to stream Hi-Res Lossless music. Alternatively, your Apple Music library and iTunes buy can be accessed in the new app. At the same time, as you install the new app, iTunes will be no longer in use. While the new app is still in need of Dolby Atmos and lyrics.
Also, the Apple TV app for Windows 11 enables you to watch movies and TV shows from Apple TV+ and the video content you have bought from Apple. Also, it supports 4K HDR quality on devices. Notably, previously, the only way to watch Apple TV content is through the web browser.
Apple also comes with the Apple Devices app for Windows 11 through Microsoft Store. It let you possible to restore and sync data on your Apple devices including Apple Watches, iPads, and iPhones. While Apple will keep updating iTunes in order to support audiobooks and podcasts. However, such content is still unsupported by the new Apple Music app. Also, the company will be speculated to release separate apps for such things in the future.