The Samsung Galaxy S23 series will use an exclusive chipset whose official name will be “Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy” and this chipset may also arrive in the next Galaxy S24 lineup. Now, ahead of the official S23 lineup launch, it is reported that the Exynos 2400 mass production to start in November 2023 and it may arrive in the Korean units of the Galaxy S24 series.
The Samsung Exynos 2400 has two specifications and rumors about the architecture design of Samsung Exynos 2400, one is the octa-core architecture of 1+4+3, and the other is the ten-core architecture of 1+2+3+4.
The Exynos 2400 may follow the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2‘s quad-cluster design, with a prime Cortex-X4 core, two clusters of Cortex-A720 cores, and four Cortex-A510 cores. However, it may arrive with an octa-core architecture of 1+4+3, and the other is the ten-core architecture of 1+2+3+4.
It is worth mentioning that Samsung has been using Snapdragon processors in its flagship devices in recent years, but there will still be flagship phones equipped with its own Exynos series processors in the Korean market.
For now, it is unclear whether the European version of the Galaxy S24 series will use Qualcomm processors or Exynos 2400. We need to wait for the official confirmation. So stay tuned with us and follow us on Telegram for instant Samsung updates.