Samsung on Friday announced that it has started rolling out the Android 13 operating system-based One UI 5.0 updates for its Galaxy M21 smartphone in India. The latest One UI 5 update brings several new upgrades in terms of design and features.
As per the changelog, the latest Android 13 update of the Galaxy M21 2021 is rolling out with the firmware version M215GDDU2CWA3 and the update size is 1578MB.
Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 got the stable One UI 5.0 update #Samsung #GalaxyM21 #OneUI5 #Android13
— Sam Latest Updates (One UI) (@latestsamupdate) February 3, 2023
The new update allows users to customise and edit the lock screen by adding photos and videos. Users can combine several widgets into a single widget to save space on the home screen. The One UI 5.0 update comes with up to 16-preset colour themes based on the wallpaper.
With the ‘object eraser’ tool, users can easily remove unwanted people, objects, shadows, and reflections from photographs. In order to install the latest update on your device, just Go to Settings, Inside Settings, tap on Software Update and tap on Download and Install.
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