Samsung went all in on Snapdragon chips for its recently launched Galaxy S23 series. While the company has not revealed a flagship chipset for its smartphone in quite some time. While a leak from a reliable source has been circulating all around. Reportedly Ice Universe discloses that Samsung is presently working on a new 10-core Exynos chipset for its flagship devices. As per this leak, the forthcoming Exynos 2400 CPU will be going to have 10 core architecture.
Notably, this to opposed to the current Octoa-Core CPUs. At the same time, this seems to be very encouraging news. Therefore, we hope that the industry will accept this new architecture for the upcoming generation of flagship SoCs.
Talking about Exynos 2400 chipset then it comprises of Cortex X4 core. The two high-frequency A720 performance cores, three low-frequency A720 performance, and four A520 efficient cores respectively.
In addition to the above info, the processor will definitely increase the efficiency of the battery. While we want to comment as it is too early to claim this. Although, as per previous reports, Samsung’s “Dream Team,” which comprises over 1,000 employees, will make a high-end custom processor for the Galaxy S series.
Also, this SoC is predicted to spot in Galaxy S24 models by next year. Whereas, in the coming future, we will going to listen more about the Exynos 2400.
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