Galaxy S23 Ultra GeekBench version 6 scores are now available

GeekBench has recently launched its version 6.0 benchmark tool. The platform mainly optimizes the core architecture and adds a number of new tests. Now testing the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra as an example, the smartphone with model number SM-918N received single-core score points of 1957 and a multi-core score of 5258. The single-core score of the same model in GeekBench 5.5.1 is 1556 points, and the multi-core score is 4813 points.

Galaxy S23 Ultra GeekBench 5 score

Galaxy S23 Ultra GeekBench 5 score

Galaxy S23 Ultra GeekBench 6 score

As per the latest results, the running score in GeekBench 6.0 is higher than that in GeekBench 5.5.1 version. This may cause due to the developers tweaking the scoring items, adding many new variables like Photo Gallery, Photo Filters, and dropping related variables like AES-XTS, Speech Recognition, and Machine Learning.


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