As per the latest information from the DSCC, a market researcher, the shipments of Apple iPhone 14 organic light emitting diode (OLED) panels in March would dive 35% from the same period last year.
In February 2023, the iPhone 14 OLED shipments decreased compared to last year’s stats. Now, the source confirmed that the decline was expected to increase in March 2023.
The iPhone 14 OLED shipment forecast for the first quarter is 34 million units. The proportion of the Pro Max model is the highest at 43% (14.62 million units). Next is 29% for Pro (9.86 million units), 22% for regular types (7.48 million units), and 6% for Plus (2.04 million units). As for the quantity by panel maker, Samsung Display is expected to supply 70% (23.8 million units), LG Display (19%), 6.46 million units, and China’s BOE (11%), 3.74 million units.
In terms of Samsung, the South Korean tech giant shipped 75.48 million units out of 102 million OLED shipments in the iPhone 14 series last year, accounting for 74%.
Related: Samsung Display, Apple and LG Display discussing the supply price of OLED panels for 2024 iPads
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