Qualcomm is the leader in making quality and premium segment chipsets. While the chipmaker giant has unveiled its new premium chipset, namely Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2. This one is the successor of last year’s Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 processor. The same one was proved to be unpopular. Moving ahead with the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2, then it is a motive to offer flagship-grade performance. This owing to its 50% faster CPU and 20% faster GPU. Due to its great performance, it is mainly targeted to be used in gaming smartphones, and affordable high-end phones, that have the price range of $400-$600 respectively.
TSMC’s 4nm process
Notably, the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2 is developed by TSMC by using its 4 nm process. This proves its caliber with the amazing Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processors. Concurrently, it conveniently supports 200MP camera sensors, the same has been prepared by Samsung System LSI presently. Also, this new chip is Qualcomm’s first Snapdragon 7 series chip coming to give its support to up to 10-bit 4K 60fps video recording. Whereas, it can also record 1080p slow-motion videos at 240fps. And since it is triple 18-bit spectra ISP, the chip enables to process of the images from three 32MP cameras with zero shutter lag.
Furthermore, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 7 series processor chipset is the first in the segment that housed ARM’s Cortex-X2 CPU core. This prime core is clocked at 2.91GHz. Additionally, it has three Cortex-A710 CPU cores clocked at 2.49GHz and four Cortex-A510 CPU cores clocked at 1.8GHz. Packed with a new Adreno GPU offers 2x performance, similar to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 levels of performance. It also provides support for HDR10, HDR10+, HLG, and Dolby Vision along with 16-bit dual channel 3200MHz DDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 storage.
Therefore, this new Qualcomm chip appears to be an excellent processor for various premium mid-range or flagship devices.
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