Samsung is expected to launch the new foldable phones, the Galaxy Z Fold 5 and the Galaxy Z Flip 5, in the coming months. These devices are expected to arrive alongside the new Galaxy Tab S9 Series and Galaxy Watch 6 Series.
Now, ahead of the official launch, the cover screen shape details of the Galaxy Z Flip 5 have been surfacing online. According to the Twitter tipster Ice Universe, Samsung may bring a folder shape cover screen on the Galaxy Z Flip 5.
Apart from that, the company is looking to avoid the selfie camera upgrade. It will stick with a 10-megapixel selfie camera for the Galaxy Z Flip 5. However, it remains unclear whether the camera’s other specs, such as aperture and autofocus technology, will see any changes on the Z Flip 5.
The big cover screen will help you to capture higher-quality selfies and managing notifications will become easier. Currently, the official release date of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Galaxy Z Flip 5 has not yet been confirmed. However, a recent leak suggests that company may bring these devices earlier than expected. If the leak is to be believed, we could see the launch of the Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Galaxy Z Flip 5 by the end of July.