Google One lets users check their IP address in the Android app

The recent capability of adding Google One for the Android app will bring increased subscriber security and privacy, letting users check their IP address in the Android app….!! Tapping the VPN card in the Home feed shows a new “Your network info” section, opening Google One for Android. It starts by reiterating your VPN status and then lists “Your IP address” and “Your network” (ISP or carrier).

In case your IP address is not updated, try refreshing the page. Enabling VPN through Google One both lines change to “hidden.” Google notes how “there may be a delay in updating your IP address”. Well there including in System Settings there are of course other ways to check your IP address. But this new method was found slightly better than navigating to an external website.

This simply means that the network information is handy while using public Wi-Fi. This version is not live in the iOS app and would also be useful for the Mac/Windows VPN client. This is version 1.179 of Google One for Android.

Google One lets users check their IP address in the Android app


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