Amidst prep for launching Wear OS 4 soon Google decided to add something to engrave the ability of the OS and hence end up with Material You. That ultimately makes it more colorful to match your current watch face to your smartwatch. The popular Galaxy Watch series moved from running Samsung’s Tizen to using Google’s Wear OS, and Samsung has been a major factor in this shift.
These days OEMs are able to be more expressive in wearable software design as watch faces – with Google requiring a standardized UI. Watchmakers are also able to leave behind Google’s generic “Wear OS” phone app to provide a bespoke and branded experience.
However, Google stayed rigid in sharing the practical improvements of Wear OS 4 when it was unveiled earlier this month. Android 11 to Android 13, and Google talked briefly about battery and text-to-speech improvements. The company also unveiled a new standardized “Watch Face Format” that should make new designs more standardized and efficient.
Wear OS 4 with Material You to give a new look
Google has at least one major design change planned for Wear OS 4 – Material You. A new “Enable dynamic theme” toggle in the Settings app. Which, as you might expect, applied Material You’s signature color scheme to many parts of the smartwatch experience. In the Quick Settings area, the most prominent shift in colors can be found.
The “Honey” shade of yellow results in golden brown accents. While “Lavender” brings a boldly pink tint. Notably, when using a watch face from the Play Store, Wear OS 4 defaults back to a shade of blue. With each available toggle being tinted to complement your current watch face color.
Through the Settings app, these new colors are applied in a few other places. Google Play Store was also recolored to match the watch face, it seems that Wear OS 4’s dynamic theme colors may also be available to app developers.
Well, this is not yet disclosed where the Material You dynamic colors to Wear OS 4 will touch the ground. But whenever Google rolls officially it we’ll surely gonna make you aware. Until then stay tuned to know everything via @Samnews24…