Meet the 2024 Samsung master craftsman

Meet the 2024 Samsung master craftsman (1)

On January 2, 2024, Samsung shared a list of ‘2024 Samsung Master Craftsman’, the company’s top technology expert in each field, including manufacturing technology and quality.

The company has selected 15 employees as master craftsmen, including 10 from Samsung Electronics, 2 from Samsung Display, 2 from Samsung Electro-Mechanics, and 1 from Samsung SDI, which is the largest number since the system was newly established.

2019: 4 people (4 electronics)
2020: 4 people (3 electronics, 1 electrical)
2021: 9 people (6 electronics, 1 display, 1 electrical, 1 SDI)
2022: 11 people (8 electronics, 1 display) , Electrical 1, SDI 1)
2023: 11 people (Electronics 9, Display 1, SDI 1)

2024 Samsung master craftsman list

Meet the 2024 Samsung master craftsman
Meet the 2024 Samsung master craftsman
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