Samsung releases 8K video of pianist Cho Seong-jin performing

Samsung releases 8K video of pianist Cho Seong-jin performing (1)

Samsung has confirmed that with ‘Universal Music Group’, the company will showcase a live performance video of pianist Cho Seong-jin in 8K ultra-high definition.

The new 8K video is included in the album ‘Handel Project’, which topped the US Billboard Classical Chart last year Handel: Suite No. 7 in B flat major HWV440-3rd movement with Sarabande Chopin: Waltz No. 2 in A flat major Op.34-1,  Liszt: It was produced in three parts, including Yuan S.172-3 in D flat major – Samsung.

Samsung Electronics produced the video as 8K content in the classic genre. Additionally, each episode will be released sequentially at 6 PM from the 8th to the 10th on Universal Music’s ‘STUDIO KIWA’ official YouTube channel.

“We are continuing to collaborate with partners to widely publicize the 8K picture quality experience that provides a completely different viewing experience,” said Kim Cheol-ki, Vice President of Samsung Electronics’ Visual Display Business Department. “We will take the lead in expanding the base of 8K content by introducing content in various fields.” revealed.

Samsung releases 8K video of pianist Cho Seong-jin performing

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