Samsung Digital Wellbeing June 2024 update Enhanced Layout

Samsung Digital Wellbeing app is now getting a new update with minor changes. According to the latest information, the updated changelog consists the main screen of Digital Wellbeing has been redesigned, making it easier to find the information you need.

Digital Wellbeing Latest App Info

Enhanced layout
The main screen of Digital Wellbeing has been redesigned, making it easier to find the information you need.
• More content in your weekly report
Your weekly usage report now lets you know about unusual usage patterns, your peak usage times, and how you balance your screen time

Digital Wellbeing Key Features

– Helps you better understand how you use your device, how much time you spend on different apps over time, how many times you unlock your device, and how many interruptive notifications you receive per each apps.

Your goals
– Screen time: set goals for how much you use your device a day.
– App timers: limit the daily usage time for each app by setting a timer. When you reach the limit, the app will be deactivated and you cannot use it.

Ways to disconnect

– Focus mode : activate focus mode to avoid distractions from your device and stay focused on what you want. You can use the apps you allowed to be used in focus mode.
– Bedtime mode: turns the screen to grayscale to reduce eye strain before sleeping and triggers DND to prevent your sleep from being disturbed.

Check on your kids
– Parental controls: manage your children’s digital use.

Digital Wellbeing

Check Apps on the dashboard

Download the latest Digital Wellbeing App APK


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