Samsung Electronics launches IoT credit card

Samsung in Korea revealed the new IoT credit card based on ‘SmartThings Find’, which utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology.

‘SmartThings Find’ is a specialized service that allows you to check the location of various Samsung devices, including Galaxy smartphones, tablets, wearables, and tags.

You can check the last location where the Galaxy smartphone was disconnected from BLE communication or the location history for the past 7 days.

Samsung Electronics Vice President Park Chan-woo said, “We will expand the application of the SmartThings Find platform to partner products that require location verification, such as IoT credit cards,” and added, “Through ongoing partnerships, we will expand the ecosystem of SmartThings Find application technologies to create meaningful connection experiences for customers.” “We will strengthen the benefits and benefits,” he said.

Samsung Electronics launches IoT credit card

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