Samsung AI B2B solution SmartThings Pro exceeded 200,000 households

SmartThings Pro

Samsung confirmed that a number of smart apartments that have applied Samsung Electronics’ AI B2B solution ‘SmartThings Pro’ has exceeded 200,000 households.

The ‘Smart Apartment Solution’, which specializes in apartment complexes using ‘SmartThings Pro’, is leading the era of smart apartments by expanding the scope of application to a total of 248 complexes and 200,000 households, starting with Samsung C&T’s Raemian Leaders One in November 2020.

In particular, if you set the device to operate in ‘AI saving mode’ in advance, it will automatically run ‘AI saving mode’ according to the selected option, and it provides various functions that incorporate game elements, such as ‘Energy Saving Mission’, which provides benefits equivalent to the amount of electricity saved when a power usage reduction notification (DR is issued).

SmartThings Pro extends Samsung’s hyper-connected smart home technology to business environments, enhancing sustainability, automating operations and improving the overall business experience. To better support business-to-business (B2B) customers, SmartThings Pro offers customizable Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for seamless integration. It also features AI Energy Mode, an intelligent power saving technology that reduces energy consumption based on ambient brightness, content analysis and motion detection. This energy-saving algorithm is available for Samsung products connected to the SmartThings Pro ecosystem.

Samsung Electronics Vice President Park Chan-woo said, “We plan to apply smart apartments with AI B2B solutions to more complexes and households so that more consumers can experience a more convenient daily life at home with Samsung Electronics’ AI.”

Samsung AI B2B solution SmartThings Pro exceeded 200,000 households

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